2006.12 |
H.S.Yoon, T.H.Park |
A fast focusing method for CCM auto-focusing handlers |
Proc. Of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics |
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2005.10 |
윤희상, 박태형 |
소형카메라모듈용 테스트핸들러의 자동초점 알고리즘 |
2005 한국자동제어학술회의 논문집 |
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pp.603-608 |
2005.10 |
김환용, 박태형 |
다수무인차시스템을 위한 효과적인 경로계획방법 |
2005 한국자동제어학술회의 논문집 |
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pp.598-602 |
2005.08 |
H.Y.Kim, T.H.Park |
A unified approach to minimum-time routiung of automated guided vehicle system |
Proc. Of SICE Annual Conference 2005 |
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pp.1987-1991 |
2005.08 |
H.S.Yoon, T.H.Park |
High-speed auto-focusing system for CCM test handlers |
Proc. Of SICE Annual Conference 2005 |
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pp.3630-3634 |
2005.06 |
T.H.Park, H.J.Kim |
Path planning of automatic optical inspection machines for PCB assembly systems |
Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Sym. On Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation |
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2004.10 |
윤희상, 박태형 |
센서융합에 의한 열차위치 추정방법 |
2004년도 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집 |
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2004.04 |
정진회, 박태형 |
이미지스캐너를 사용한 인쇄회로기판의 패드추출방법 |
2004년도 한국퍼지 및 지능시스템학회 춘계학술대회 학술발표 논문집 |
vol.14, no.1 |
pp.571-575 |
2004.08 |
K.M.Kim, T.H.Park |
PCB Assembly Optimization of Chip Mounters for Multiple Feeder Assignment |
Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2004 |
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pp.1425-1430 |
2004.08 |
A.R.Oh, T.H.Park |
Assembly Sequence Optimization of Dispensers in SMT In-Line Systems |
Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2004 |
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pp.456-460 |